General Dentistry or Family Dentistry?

How do you know what kind of dentist to see to maintain good dental health? Specifically, what is general dentistry or family dentistry? People use these terms interchangeably, so it may seem confusing trying to distinguish between the two. The differences between...

Eat for a Brighter Smile

You might be aware than certain practices such as smoking or drinking red wine or coffee can stain your teeth. But did you know that you can eat for a brighter smile? A purposeful dental diet can actually brighten your smile because certain foods can help you take a...

Coffee Drinkers, Beware!

6:00 AM for coffee drinkers. The alarm goes off and your first thought is “I need have some coffee!” You stumble past the bathroom, down the hall  and into the kitchen where you programmed your coffee pot to start brewing at 5:45 so it would be ready and...

Affordable Dental Services

Dental care can be expensive. Fillings, veneers, cosmetic procedures, even just exams and cleanings are often significantly overpriced. Dental insurance helps, but still doesn’t always keep the patient from having considerable out-of-pocket expense. You need...

Our Most Important Asset

What is a dental care facility’s most important asset? Is it the building? The must certainly be a place for the patients to be treated and the business to house its equipment, staff, and other assets. But that does not make it the most vital asset. Perhaps it...