Why Must I Endure Filling That Cavity?

Why Must I Endure Filling That Cavity?

Cavity might as well be a four-letter word! For as long as they have had a name, cavities have been a bad word. No one wants a cavity. Just thinking of a cavity may make you tense up and your teeth clench. However, tooth decay is second only to the common cold as the...
Internet Influencers Are Not Dental Health Experts

Internet Influencers Are Not Dental Health Experts

Internet influencers dominate the cyberspace landscape. Social media is the reigning realm of communication, and influencers are royalty. They’re mostly young people with large social media fan bases who manipulate purchasing decisions, opinions, and behavior through...
Accomplished Athletes Have Great Dental Hygiene, Right?

Accomplished Athletes Have Great Dental Hygiene, Right?

Athletes are healthy and fit, but what about their oral health? You might think that responsible and well-disciplined athletes would also be responsible and disciplined about their oral health. They eat a balanced diet and of course exercise regularly. They must have...
Benefits of Fluoride Use for Adults

Benefits of Fluoride Use for Adults

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods and water. Every day a tooth’s enamel layer loses and gains minerals. When acid attacks the enamel, the tooth loses minerals. Bacteria and sugars in the mouth form a sticky plaque on the teeth. Plaque...
Helpful Dental Health Guide for All Caregivers

Helpful Dental Health Guide for All Caregivers

There are 44 million family caregivers in the United States. When you are the caregiver for your loved one, there is a lot you have on your mind. Doctor’s appointments, medication, nutrition, and daily comfort may all seem more urgent than oral health. However, oral...