by | May 28, 2013
Good oral hygiene is important. Not only will it give you a better-looking smile, but it’ll keep your teeth and gums healthier. In addition to brushing your teeth and flossing daily, you should visit Danville Family Dentistry twice a year, or every six months, for a...
by | May 7, 2013
Every day is parade day in many neighborhoods and the area where this family dentist lives is no different. The good weather brings out moms and dads and grandparents with strollers and wagons occupied by new and growing babies and toddlers out for some fresh air. As...
by | Apr 30, 2013
You can be a great patient! Patients at a dental office might assume their provider lumps them all into one of two categories: good or bad. A “good” patient always maintains a perfect dental regimen, has never been less than 15 minutes early for his dental...
by | Apr 16, 2013
As many of you know, Allison recently moved back to Illinois to be closer to family. While we are missing Allison and regret the fact that she has moved too far to commute, we are very happy for her and her family. This is one of those experiences in life that is...
by | Apr 1, 2013
I have a job that I love. This is not a phrase often heard in today’s society. I feel blessed to work for an employer that genuinely cares for his employees and staff the way he does his own family. I feel blessed to have coworkers that are more like sisters than...