Along with routine care, it’s important to stay on top of the condition of your dental work. Dental procedures improves the condition of your teeth; however, it’s not really a one-and-done situation. Just like natural teeth, normal wear and tear damages the state of your dental work, and you may need additional procedures and upkeep to keep things in good condition.

Dental Work has a Life Span


The life expectancy of your dental work depends on what type of procedure you’ve had, diet and hygiene habits, and how often you visit your dentist. Bridges, crowns, and fillings remain in good condition, with proper care, for varying lengths of time.




If you have missing or removed teeth, your dentist may use a dental bridge as a fix. Dental bridges use false teeth (which are made of gold, alloys, or porcelain) to bridge a gap where two or more teeth are missing. Depending on your need, your dentist may choose one of various types of dental bridges. The types of dental bridges are traditional, cantilever bridges, and Maryland bonded bridges.


The life expectancy of your dental bridge is between 5 and 15 years. The amount of time that your bridge stays in good condition is often dependent on your oral health and habits. If you practice good dental hygiene and attend your routine cleanings and checkups as recommended, it’s not uncommon for your bridge to last 10 years or more. It’s important to check the condition of your dental bridge at each dental appointment to ensure the quality of its condition.




A dental crown is a type of dental work used to cap damaged or weak teeth that are beyond the condition of using a filling. They serve as protection around your damaged tooth and are therefore made of strong and durable materials. While they are made to withstand your everyday habits and foods, they do have an expiration as well. On average, your crown will also last between 5 and 15 years, depending on care. You may experience some signs that your crown’s condition is deteriorating. If you have a crown, it’s important to tell your dentist if you feel any pain or discomfort. Your dentist will also inspect your crown at least twice a year at your regular appointments.




Fillings may be the most common dental work. It’s important to take care and ensure your fillings are still in good condition to prevent further tooth decay. There are two types of fillings, amalgam and composite. Amalgam fillings are made up of metals, which make them strong and durable. As a result, they can last up to 15 years if properly cared for.  On the other hand, composite fillings are glass particles and plastic. Patients often prefer them since they are similar to the color of the tooth and cosmetically attractive. Again, these types of fillings are also durable—they last around 10 to 12 years before needing replacement. If you fill any pain or discomfort around your fillings, it is a signal that it is time to replace them. For this reason, ask your dentist to take a look.


Your dentist closely monitors all types of dental work. Consequently, it is important to keep your appointments for every six month and tell your dentist of any discomfort or changes you experience.


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Disclaimer: The information included in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.