You have a dental appointment on the calendar. You are a busy person, so of course you had to schedule it carefully, fitting it into your lunch hour or maybe the short time between picking up the kids from school and taking them to all their extracurricular activities. You arrive five minutes early and settle into the waiting room chair, hoping you won’t have time to get involved in a magazine article before you get called back to the exam room. And you wait … and wait … and … wait. You start looking at your watch and wondering if you can get back to work on time if you speed all the way there. Eventually you ask the receptionist if you may have been forgotten, and she quickly informs you that they always double book their appointments to avoid empty patient chairs, and that you will be called back “as soon as the next room is available.”
Well, clearly you did NOT come to Danville Family Dentistry! We do not double or triple book appointments like many practices make a habit of doing. Long waiting times display a lack of respect to the patient. We value our patients, and we respect their time and the fact that they have had to work a dental appointment into their schedule rather than the other way around. We strive to show all our patients that they – and their time – are important to us. You will find our waiting area comfortable and peaceful, but you won’t be there very long. We know you have a busy schedule, too!