
In today’s society we are faced with numerous cut-backs and unfortunately we are seeing an increase in cut-backs particularly with dental insurance benefits. Typical insurance plans traditionally covered for cavity detection x-rays (in dental terms these are...

Dental Phobia

Dental phobia is one of the main reasons people don’t go to the dentist.  Their fear is much stronger than that of someone who is anxious about having dental work done.  People with dental phobia have the “fight-or-flight” response each and every...


There are two questions we are routinely asked regarding fluoride.  The first is, “Is fluoride really that important for children’s teeth?”  The second is,”Do adults need fluoride as well?” First, let’s start with what fluoride is...

Our Philosophy

The need for dental care leads to many concerns. “How will I get the facts and information I need?” “How can I avoid being uncomfortable or anxious?” “How can I make sure I get the best care for my specific situation?” You should be able to feel confident that you can...

Missing Tooth

All of your teeth play an important role in your life, but unfortunately there are times when a tooth has to be removed.  Most people take for granted the work our natural teeth perform until we are faced with potential tooth loss.  For many people, it’s not...