Broken Teeth

One of the most common things we see in our office is cases of broken teeth. Some patients may experience a broken tooth from a fall or from contact in a sport. For others a broken tooth may come from simply biting into something hard to trying to break something with...

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Everyone wants to be “liked” these days. Well, we all really want to be “liked”, on Facebook that is! We recently joined the world of Facebook in an effort to engage our clients and future clients in a new, more personal way. Our Facebook page allows us to communicate...


A situation many patients are faced with is they have dental treatment they need to have done, and more importantly want to have done, but are unsure of how they can afford it. Dental insurance is a great thing, but not every patient has insurance and, in many cases,...

Full of Anxiety

At Danville Family Dentistry we understand that for some people even the thought of a visit to the dentist office can be unsettling and full of anxiety. Dr. Erickson and our team have worked very hard to create a relaxing environment for our patients. One way of...

Routine Dental Cleaning

Daily oral care such as brushing, flossing and mouthwash are important parts to maintaining good oral health in particular tartar control. However, even the most persistent in their at home dental hygiene will still have plaque build up. Unfortunately, plaque likes to...