So here we find ourselves in the month of December already. And by “already” I mean… wasn’t it just summer a couple of weeks ago? It seems like the holidays catch up to us more quickly with every passing year.  For many of us, a Thanksgiving gathering, Christmas celebrations and the holiday season as a whole can mean extra work and stress. And while the holiday celebrations are usually full of fun and enjoyment, the increased frenzy of activity sometimes leads to holiday emergencies. (Thankfully we can learn a lot about avoiding holiday emergencies from Clark Griswold: please choose your sled wax carefully each year.)  Experiencing a dental emergency — especially one causing extreme pain — brings a whole different type of holiday stress when you are out of town or hosting guests for the holidays.
We hope you remember that with Danville Family Dentistry, we are here when you NEED us. That pledge is just as true, if not more so, during the holidays. You have enough pressure to deal with already. Relax and let us lessen your holiday stress by taking care of your emergency dental care, as well as that of your family and guests. Remember, we typically see holiday emergencies on the same day you call!