Why Sports Drinks Are Bad for Your Children’s Teeth

Why Sports Drinks Are Bad for Your Children’s Teeth

Many children and teens think sports drinks will help improve their sports performance and energy levels. After all, these beverages are marketed to replace fluids and electrolytes lost due to perspiration and the carbohydrates burned while exercising. However, many...
How Soft Drinks Cause Acid Erosion

How Soft Drinks Cause Acid Erosion

Did you know that about a half of all Americans – including people in Hendricks County – drink at least one carbonated soft drink a day? That’s a lot of soda – or pop – or whatever you like to call soft drinks. Why is the staff at Danville Family Dentistry, concerned...
What Causes Acid Erosion?

What Causes Acid Erosion?

Most people in Hendricks County think of sugar when it comes to tooth decay. But sugar isn’t the only thing that can damage teeth. High levels of acid in foods and drinks can cause irreversible erosion of your teeth’s enamel. Enamel is a hard, mineralized substance...