This is How Candy Affects Your Teeth

This is How Candy Affects Your Teeth

You probably remember your parents telling you when you were young that candy would rot your teeth. There’s truth to that, but it doesn’t mean you can never indulge. When you know what kinds of candy do the most harm and how to prevent dental issues caused by sugar,...
5 Reasons You Should Start Flossing Today

5 Reasons You Should Start Flossing Today

Do you roll your eyes when you think about taking the time to floss twice a day? Maybe you’ve even fibbed to your dental hygienist when they asked how often you floss. Don’t worry, this is a common situation many people find themselves in. However, at...
4 Tips to Keeping Your Mouth Healthy for Kissing

4 Tips to Keeping Your Mouth Healthy for Kissing

You might realize that your dentist is an important partner when it comes to creating and keeping a mouth that is highly kissable. Although everyone worries about bad breath, that should not be your first concern. Nope. Make sure your mouth is in great shape – as well...