by Cameron Shearin | Jan 6, 2016
The staff at Danville Family Dentistry has heard many concerns about dental health issues over the years, but many Hendricks County residents seem uneasy about the safety of mercury contained in amalgam fillings. They worry that the mercury released from their silver...
by Cameron Shearin | Dec 29, 2015
Many expectant mothers in Hendricks County prepare themselves for the arrival of their baby by reading books and taking classes. But how much do you know about taking care of your baby’s teeth? Let’s test your knowledge about the proper care of your...
by Cameron Shearin | Dec 17, 2015
Over 108 million American adults and children aren’t covered by dental health insurance. Maybe you have a loved one in Hendricks County who can’t afford to purchase dental health coverage. Or maybe you, YOURSELF, don’t have any dental care insurance. What do you (or...
by Cameron Shearin | Dec 8, 2015
Have you ever been talking to a Hendricks County neighbor when you noticed something silver in their mouth? Chances are your neighbor has a dental amalgam filling – otherwise known as a silver-colored filling. Dental amalgam is a filling material made from a...
by Cameron Shearin | Nov 25, 2015
One question every Hendricks County resident will hear when they visit Danville Family Dentistry is: “Are you flossing every day?” For a lot of patients, the answer will be “no.” While most patients are good at brushing their teeth twice a day, for some reason, many...