What Do You Do in a Dental Emergency? Part II

What Do You Do in a Dental Emergency? Part II

Here is part one of our two-part series on dental emergencies. But let’s continue with Part Two so you know how to handle a dental emergency. We want to protect your smile. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do in a dental emergency. Now that...
Do You Know What to do in a Dental Emergency? Part One

Do You Know What to do in a Dental Emergency? Part One

A dental emergency requires instant action to avoid further complications and distress. Do you know what to do in a dental emergency? What is a Dental Emergency? A dental emergency is an event that requires immediate action, usually when we are the most unprepared. In...
What You Need to Know About Losing Baby Teeth

What You Need to Know About Losing Baby Teeth

Children typically lose their baby teeth between five and seven years. Thankfully it’s not a painful progression, but it’s a good idea to prepare children for this big event. By explaining the process, your child will likely be more comfortable with losing...