What’s the Big Deal with Dental Erosion?

What’s the Big Deal with Dental Erosion?

Dental erosion is one of the many things we look for during your regular checkup. Dental erosion happens when acids break down the hard materials of your teeth, wearing them away and making them softer. Tooth erosion is not the same as tooth decay caused by bacteria....
Top 5 Foods with Hidden Sugar

Top 5 Foods with Hidden Sugar

Hidden sugar in foods lead to tooth enamel erosion. Here’s how. If a nutrition label says “sugar-free” on food, it just means that zero table sugar is added. Other types of sugar such as fruit, grape, milk, or malt sugar are sometimes included. They...
Tackle Tooth Pain Due to Dental Erosion

Tackle Tooth Pain Due to Dental Erosion

There are so many unknown factors that might cause oral pain or toothaches. Could it be dental erosion? You may be dealing with erosion-related pain and not even know it. Dental erosion shows up as discoloration of teeth, pain or sensitivity, more cavities, and even...
What Causes Acid Erosion?

What Causes Acid Erosion?

Most people in Hendricks County think of sugar when it comes to tooth decay. But sugar isn’t the only thing that can damage teeth. High levels of acid in foods and drinks can cause irreversible erosion of your teeth’s enamel. Enamel is a hard, mineralized substance...
Tooth Enamel Damage – Protect Your Smile

Tooth Enamel Damage – Protect Your Smile

When you trim your fingernails, you can trust that they will grow again. When an eyelash escapes, you know that another one will take its place. But not everything on the human body will replace itself. What we’re talking about is tooth enamel, one of the most...