Why Must I Endure Filling That Cavity?

Why Must I Endure Filling That Cavity?

Cavity might as well be a four-letter word! For as long as they have had a name, cavities have been a bad word. No one wants a cavity. Just thinking of a cavity may make you tense up and your teeth clench. However, tooth decay is second only to the common cold as the...
Accomplished Athletes Have Great Dental Hygiene, Right?

Accomplished Athletes Have Great Dental Hygiene, Right?

Athletes are healthy and fit, but what about their oral health? You might think that responsible and well-disciplined athletes would also be responsible and disciplined about their oral health. They eat a balanced diet and of course exercise regularly. They must have...
Are Exploding Teeth a Silly Hoax?

Are Exploding Teeth a Silly Hoax?

Exploding teeth sound horrifying and like something out of a science fiction novel. A Pennsylvania dentist named WH Atkinson wrote an article about three patients that experienced an exploding teeth phenomenon: The first one was the Reverend DA from Springfield, PA...
5 Best Ways to Prevent Tooth Enamel Erosion

5 Best Ways to Prevent Tooth Enamel Erosion

With spring cleaning and warmer weather around the corner, it’s an excellent time to get a comprehensive checkup at Danville Family Dentistry. These dental checkups are vital for good oral health and a bright smile. This protective coating wears down if you...