Causes and Cures for Tooth Nerve Pain

Causes and Cures for Tooth Nerve Pain

Tooth nerve health is essential. You use your teeth every day, from smiling to chewing to talking. Teeth are an integral part of your everyday life, and because of this, they’re prone to injury. When you damage a tooth, it usually causes tooth nerve pain and...
What is an Abscessed Tooth?

What is an Abscessed Tooth?

An abscessed tooth is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can appear in different areas of the tooth for a variety of reasons. Patients typically experience a tooth abscess as a result of an untreated tooth cavity, injury, or previous dental...
7 Things Your Dentist Wishes You Knew

7 Things Your Dentist Wishes You Knew

Your dentist cares about you and about your oral health. It’s true that dentists want what is best for you. Dentists understand that there are many things that can interfere with your dental care. Here are some things you should know. 1. Fear of the Dentist Dental...
Is a Tooth Nerve Making You Hurt?

Is a Tooth Nerve Making You Hurt?

If you feel a severe toothache when eating, drinking, or even sucking in air through your mouth,  you’re likely experiencing tooth nerve pain. This extreme pain occurs when at least one tooth nerve is exposed, or the tooth nerve is inflamed. Typically, an enamel layer...
Are Exploding Teeth a Silly Hoax?

Are Exploding Teeth a Silly Hoax?

Exploding teeth sound horrifying and like something out of a science fiction novel. A Pennsylvania dentist named WH Atkinson wrote an article about three patients that experienced an exploding teeth phenomenon: The first one was the Reverend DA from Springfield, PA...