by Cameron Shearin | Mar 9, 2021
Did you know your smile predicts the length of your marriage? How you look in old school photos can tell you whether or not your marriage will last. Sound crazy? Maybe, but this seemingly absurd notion is actually backed by science. Matthew Hertenstein from DePauw...
by Cameron Shearin | Feb 10, 2021
Sinuses are like hollow caves in your skull, empty except for a thin layer of protective mucus. Some sinus passages are large, and some are much smaller. They’re lined with tender pink tissue called the mucosa. You have maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses, and ethmoid...
by Cameron Shearin | Feb 6, 2021
Anyone who has piercings in the mouth area runs a health risk. Not only because there is a high risk of infection in the mouth, but also because oral piercing often damages your gums and teeth. Piercings in the mouth area are usually placed on the lips, lip frenulum...
by Cameron Shearin | Feb 1, 2021
During the winter months, there are lots of reasons you might be uncomfortable. The cold weather brings dry skin, the heaviness of extra layers, and tight muscles. Some of us even experience pain or discomfort with our teeth! Exposure to cold may reveal some weakness...
by Cameron Shearin | Jan 8, 2021
How frequently do you hide your smile behind a nervous hand? If you’re concerned about showing your teeth or embarrassed of your smile, there is something you can do to restore your confidence. Veneers are a versatile treatment, with benefits and disadvantages....
by Cameron Shearin | Jan 8, 2021
Let’s face it—we’ve all been a little late on scheduling that six-month dental checkup at least a time or two. Life gets busy, things get in the way. We’ve all been told about the importance of regular dental cleanings and checkups. And we’ve all made our excuses. You...