by Cameron Shearin | Sep 16, 2022
Tooth nerve health is essential. You use your teeth every day, from smiling to chewing to talking. Teeth are an integral part of your everyday life, and because of this, they’re prone to injury. When you damage a tooth, it usually causes tooth nerve pain and...
by Cameron Shearin | Apr 22, 2022
If you feel a severe toothache when eating, drinking, or even sucking in air through your mouth, you’re likely experiencing tooth nerve pain. This extreme pain occurs when at least one tooth nerve is exposed, or the tooth nerve is inflamed. Typically, an enamel layer...
by Cameron Shearin | Aug 31, 2016
Few words can strike fear in the hearts of some Hendricks County residents than the term “root canal.” A root canal is a routine dental treatment that repairs and saves a badly damaged or infected tooth. With today’s advanced dental techniques, a root canal is a...
by Cameron Shearin | Sep 17, 2013
Unfortunately, root canals have been given a bum rap. Just mention to your Hendricks County pals that you’re going to the dentist for one and people cringe. Plus, how many times have you heard people say, “I’d rather have a root canal,” when talking about an...