5 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Brush Their Teeth

5 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Brush Their Teeth

We may not have jet packs or flying cars in the year 2020, but we do have some exciting and innovative ways to inspire your children to brush their teeth. Oral care enthusiasts are cheering for the newest game joining the Pokémon family. Pokémon Smile is a new tool...
Stop Brushing Your Teeth the “Bad” Way

Stop Brushing Your Teeth the “Bad” Way

Brushing your teeth every day is an essential daily habit when it comes to oral health. Brushing your teeth properly keeps your breath fresh and prevents gum disease and gingivitis. However, there are “bad” ways to brush your teeth. Here are some things...
How Nausea and Oral Health are Related

How Nausea and Oral Health are Related

It might be weird to think that when we’re nauseated, we also have to think about our oral health. It’s no secret that when we’re ill or pregnant, the last thing you’re thinking about is oral hygiene. However, you should pay more attention to...
10 Tips for Better Oral Health

10 Tips for Better Oral Health

No matter how diligent you are with your oral health, there is always room for improvement. After all, a smile is as important as a polite handshake. A healthy mouth with fresh breath shows the world that you care about presenting your best self to the world. Here are...