This Is Why Your Teeth Need Coats

This Is Why Your Teeth Need Coats

During the winter months, there are lots of reasons you might be uncomfortable. The cold weather brings dry skin, the heaviness of extra layers, and tight muscles. Some of us even experience pain or discomfort with our teeth! Exposure to cold may reveal some weakness...
Are You Dealing with Sensitive Teeth?

Are You Dealing with Sensitive Teeth?

Do you dread eating certain cold or hot foods because of sensitive teeth? You aren’t alone. Many people experience some degree of tooth sensitivity. Be aware that just avoiding foods that trigger the sensitivity may not be enough. There are steps you can take to...

5 Signs You Should See a Dentist

Our Danville Family Dentistry staff often tell patients, in person and on our blog, why it’s important to see a dentist regularly. But still over 100 million Americans (including some Hendricks County residents, we’re sure) don’t see a dentist each year, according to...

Tooth Sensitivity: Stop the Pain

Have you ever eaten a spoonful of ice cream or drank a sip a coffee and winced? You may have wondered: Why does my tooth hurt? Well, you may have a sensitive tooth. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem for many people – not just Hendricks County residents. Normally,...