Find the Best Dentist in Danville, Indiana

There’s no getting around it … everyone has teeth, so everyone needs dental care. If you are like most people, you’d rather not settle for subpar service or mediocre care. You want — and you deserve — the best! So how do you go about finding...

Holiday Treats — Not So Sweet

Cookies, cakes, pies, candy, egg nog, sweets and holiday treats galore! These are just a few of the many “goodies” that we enjoy during Christmas and New Year festivities. Our teeth, however, often reap the consequences of these culinary delights of the...

Year-End Dental Insurance Benefits

The holidays have arrived in full force here in Danville, Indiana! There’s no doubt you’re feeling the frenzied activity of the season.  With gifts to buy, parties to attend, trips to plan, family and friends to entertain and more, it is easy to allow...

Holiday Emergencies

So here we find ourselves in the month of December already. And by “already” I mean… wasn’t it just summer a couple of weeks ago? It seems like the holidays catch up to us more quickly with every passing year.  For many of us, a Thanksgiving...

Waiting Times

You have a dental appointment on the calendar. You are a busy person, so of course you had to schedule it carefully, fitting it into your lunch hour or maybe the short time between picking up the kids from school and taking them to all their extracurricular...